
Friday, September 6, 2013

Trial by Fire

Ever heard of Murphy's law?  You know... anything that can go wrong will go wrong..?  Yeah, story of my life.  I often think about just changing my name to Murphy.  I have even asked those around me to begin calling me by my true name, to no avail.  That's probably a good thing though...  Self-fulfilling prophecies and all.  Really, that is the root of Murphy's law.  Of course, the "law" itself doesn't actually possess any magical powers to make our days turn to poo.  We give relevance to it by our own tendency to dwell on the negative things that happen to us.  We seek reasons for our misfortune and get caught up in what we think we deserve.  I am all too guilty of this.  "Murphy" gives Murphy's law way too much power in her life.  I tell you, years and years of pessimism have proven quite difficult to reverse or eliminate on my journey with Jesus.  I'm workin' on it though. ;)

Finding faith in God is not some quick-fix-guaranteed-secret-passage-way to the easy life.  In fact, I'm inclined to say that life is not the least bit "easier" in terms of potholes, speed bumps, and all of it's Murphy-ness.  It is, however, more easily coped with when we learn to fully trust in our Lord and Savior.  Faith is about fostering our relationship with God, turning to Him in the best and worst of times, and recognizing that His plan for us far exceeds our own. 

This can be a major challenge.  It is no easy task finding joy & keeping the faith when the enemy is pressuring, tempting, and attacking you (especially if it seems to be constant). Those attacks feel incredibly personal.  It makes us wonder why we have to suffer through so much "bad luck."  If God loves us so, why does he put us through these things?  Why do bad things happen to good people?  This line of thinking is what makes it so easy for unbelievers!  But, wait!  I've found some answers.  So save yourself the time and worry and listen up! ;) 

Trials and tribulations serve a few different purposes.  I am currently re-training myself to think of each and every struggle as a refining of my faith.  We are the clay and He is the potter. (Isaiah 64:8) By His great hand, we are being molded and shaped into exactly what He envisioned us to be.  We strengthen our faith by learning to rely on Him fully, especially in times of suffering and crisis.  

I think it is important to remember that while the stresses of our struggles are undeniably painful, they are meant to produce positive outcomes.  What if we experience the things we do in order to have a story to tell or a testimony to speak?  What if God is allowing us these trials in order for us to gain special insight and wisdom?  Maybe the purpose is to help others facing the same situations, be it now or in the distant future.  One thing is for certain, the hard stuff is absolutely necessary on the road to spiritual maturity.  All of these tests are designed to bring you to the peak of spiritual growth.  As fire tests and purifies gold, the hardships in life test and purify your faith.  "Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way." (James 1:2-4 MSG)  We should also take heart in that he never gives us the trial without also giving us the resolution!  We know that God is faithful and He won't give us more than we can bear.  Therefore, we must seek Him for our answers.  Sometimes, the solution may be given to us in some grandiose gesture and other times, it may be gentle and subtle.  But He always provides for those who seek Him.  

Lastly, I think it is through enduring these trials with a steadfast gaze on our Heavenly Father that we prove the genuineness of our faith.  We get to serve witness to the world of the love of Jesus Christ.  We will be the living testimony of God's power to deliver those who believe in Him.  
I mean, does it get any cooler than that? ;)

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