
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Blowing Sunshine

Today, a classmate stopped me on my way out and shared with me that she really enjoyed a presentation I gave in class.  She went on to say that I came across very collected, at ease, and that I really knew my stuff.  I was so touched that she would go out of her way to share that with me and it left quite an impression.

It got me to thinking (surprise, surprise!), that it is SO rare that we genuinely compliment one another.  Even in circumstances in which we are trying to be helpful, we are quick to call attention to each others flaws and shortcomings.  I have been in a whirlwind of personal growth lately, and yet, it is constantly pointed out to me what I need to change, with very little attention paid to what I'm getting right.  I'm not saying we should ignore the less than appealing parts of ourselves and those of our loved ones, but at the risk of sounding cliche, where is the love? (Did anybody else hear Justin Timberlake's voice in their head just now?  ...wish I hadn't)

Think of that feeling you get when somebody pays you a compliment.  That tiny seed of fulfillment, validation from a peer. (yeah, yeah.. I know, I like my validation.  Sue me.)  It brings a smile to your face, the sun seems to shine a little brighter. :P  Now consider how that feeling is greatly magnified when that compliment comes from someone you least expect or a total stranger.  That's a game changer. ;)  I know I'm not the only one who delights in that feeling.  By nature, we not only want to feel good but to make others feel good.  How often have you felt inspired to share a kind word with someone, and in second-guessing yourself, decided against it?   

1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV) states, we should "...encourage one another and build each other up..."  And we most definitely should!  Doesn't get much clearer than that!  We are given a heart that yearns to love and comfort others, and yet, so often we dismiss these pulls and pushes in the name of social acceptability.  Ugh!  Thumbs down.  

I challenge you to be bold!  When you think of something flattering about somebody else, SPEAK UP!  Praise them!  Say whatever is in your heart, and give that person the feeling we all revel in.  I wholeheartedly believe it's not only what Jesus would DO, but what he would want. Once you conquer this challenge today, hit the repeat button.  :)  What harm could possibly come from being just a little bit nicer, a little bit sweeter, eh?? 

So, my loves, get out there and blow some sunshine up somebody's butt today! 

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