
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Spiritual Syncope

Syncope (pronounced SIN-ko-pee), for those not-so-familiar with medical terminology, is just a fancy word for fainting.  Fainting is defined as the brief loss of consciousness that results from decreased blood flow to the brain.  However, in our journeys with Jesus, we can easily fall prey to what I like to call spiritual syncope.  In my mind, spiritual "fainting" is when we temporarily falter and become disheartened in our faith.  We begin to doubt our Father.  We stop trusting in His plan.  Our light becomes dim.  We revert to dwelling on the negative and begin trying to do things on our own again. 

This unfortunate condition can range in severity, from mild to severe.  For instance, 
if you didn't say your prayers or make time for God today, you may begin to feel a little "off."  Or maybe you feel discontent, hurt, or wronged in your relationship with Him as the result of some unsavory battles you've been fighting lately.  Maybe you've begun to feel exasperated in life and God just seems like an abstract idea you can't quite connect with anymore.  Whatever the situation, whatever the severity; it is sinful to think we can take care of anything ourselves.  We must trust in our Lord, remember His promises, and refuse to return to a state of unbelief. 

In Christian life, if you aren't moving forward in your relationship with Jesus, you may as well be falling backwards.  I am reminded of a story in the book of John (Chapter 18, yes?), where Simon Peter denies being a disciple of Jesus.  Even after years of walking with the Lord in discipleship, he denies Him still.  That, my friends, is proof that any of us can faint.  It is also important to note that nobody suffers from sudden spiritual syncope!  It doesn't happen at random.  It happens because we are not taking constant, consistent steps forward in building our character and identity in Christ.  It happens because we get cocky and decide we can handle our messes ourselves.  We have to stop!  We have to put every ounce of our trust in our Lord and Savior.  

It is no coincidence that this post follows my "Trial by Fire" post.  Talk about feeling disconnected!!  After a couple of months of endless, heart-wrenching tribulations, I was spent!  I was beginning to forget the truths about my God.  I was shutting down.  However, In Jeremiah 3:22, He says, "Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings." (KJV)  
So, how do we return, you ask?  It's easier than you think, if you are diligent in your efforts.  First, take time each and every day to be alone with God.  Be mindful and prayerful during this time.  As my sweet friend reminds me frequently, "Press in."  Draw closer to Him even when you feel like turning away.  If you can't figure out what or how to pray, pray about that!  Just commune with Him however you know to do.  If you continue to seek Him, you will continue to find Him.  Secondly, find ways to re-connect or to strengthen your connection.  Study scripture.  Listen to praise music.  Read Christian books.  Reflect on the undeniable ways Jesus has aided you in the past.  It is important to stay in-sync even when everything feels out of control.  Even when you're not trusting Him, stay focused until you do.  Lastly, keep Christian friends.  It is critically important to have friends of faith to turn to when you are feeling weak in your relationship with your Heavenly Father.  Let them encourage you, let them pray for you.  Let them fill in the gaps where they can.  

Ultimately, we have to learn to stand firm in our faith.  We can't collapse to the floor under pressure or we would never get up.  We have to accept that difficulties will come and go, and our faith will be stronger for them.  "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.  You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." (Hebrews 10:35-36)  
SO, in conclusion, no more silly spiritual syncope, my friends!