
Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Morning of Reflection

Last night, I worked the graveyard shift as part of my first official on-call weekend (one of the less thrilling requirements of my new position at work). There is something uniquely peaceful about the overnight shift.  Even in it's most chaotic moments (and there were several), it's got nothing on day shift. After being up 27 straight hours, I fully anticipated sleeping until supper, but here I am bright eyed and... (what's the opposite of bushy-tailed?)... oh, yes... feeling like I've been hit by a train... at noon.  In my waking moments, the Lord tapped me on the shoulder with a beautiful reminder of what today is.

One year ago today, I graduated nursing school.  There is a part of me that, in my stature and self-confidence, can't believe it's only been a year.  The other part of me is dumbfounded by how fast it went and how different my life is in such a short time. This time last year, the scariest thing ahead of me was passing NCLEX (which I did in the minimum number of possible questions, thank you very much!) That achievement alone is what truly unlocked the door to my new life.  In the year since, I have provided a home for my children, purchased and paid off a car, grown and matured into someone I am proud of, and secured a future for myself and my boys by following my heart into a career that I am utterly passionate about. 

I am also reminded that it was this month, two years ago, that I first began clinicals in nursing school. I walked into a facility that would change my life forever. I couldn't have handpicked a more positive, more nurturing first experience for honing my newly acquired skills. There was a cohesiveness in that place that, even then, I knew was special. It's only now that I can truly understand and appreciate the beauty in a bonded team. By the time my rotation was over there, I had fallen in love with those people, that place, and the town in which they resided. I left a piece of my heart in that facility, knowing some day I'd come back to claim it. My whole soul wanted nothing more than to be part of that team.

9 months ago, I was offered an interview there. I couldn't explain it at the time, but I could hear the Lord, as clear as day, telling me my dream job was not where I thought it was. The same day, I accepted a job elsewhere.  Obedience to God is a funny thing. I hated my job. I was drowning in a place where there was NO concept of team. No training, no education.  I worked each day in fear for my precious, new license. No matter how hard I prayed for a different option, the Lord never would release me from working there. Leaving just never felt like an option.  Finally, the tide changed and the obedience began to pay off. I moved and made my life in the little town that I loved so much. That same month, one by one, He brought my dream team to me. Now, I work with the most incredible women who have taught me and molded me into the nurse I am today. With their guidance, I have persevered and gone from drowning to flourishing.  I owe every ounce of that to their vision, patience, and their loving kindness to see me through.  My life is different because I met them, but my heart... my heart is supremely blessed for getting to know them.  I thank God for them every chance I get, and for being allowed the chance to be a part of the new dream team.

I am grateful beyond measure that God crossed my path with theirs.  I have the life, the job, and the friends that I dared to dream about two years ago. What an incredible triumph!  God is good all the time. God is so, so good and this entire journey has been for His glory. I simply would not have come this far if I had not been repeatedly and abundantly blessed by Him. It is a beautiful gift to be in such a place that I can reflect back to a completely different time and see my Father's hand in my big picture, every step of the way.  I never want to forget the feeling of thankfulness in my heart today. He is a big God who does big things, and just as He promised... He has given me the desires of my heart. I could never do anything to earn this kind of favor... it is a beautiful and perfect gift from above.